Tuesday, 30 March 2010

I love Star Trek, but I'm not in love with Star Trek - If you know what I mean

When I tell people I like Star Trek I always get the vulcan style raised eyebrow pointed in my direction while they wonder to themselves if I'm joking or if I'm just a little stranger than they realised. This is fair enough though because obviously, if I like Star Trek, I dress up and go to conventions where I spend my day talking to other Trekkers about the various uses of the deflector dish in Klingon. Hmmmm I dont think so.

To be clear I'm not judging people who do this, each to their own, its just not my thing. But because I've seen the series' I know alot about it. I laugh at the in-jokes, I know to fix any problem you just need to reverse the polarity and I know that to travel back in time I just need to slingshot myself around the sun. But this does not mean I'm obsessed which is what most people assume you are just because you like the show. There are other shows I love aswell that are totally unconnected to Sci-fi; Ugly Betty, West Wing, The Sopranos for example. To look at me you probably wouldnt think I was a trekkie. I love fashion and make up - nothing I like better than playing dress up (as long as it doesnt involve a pair of vulcan ears). I dont sit in on a friday night and hand painting my warhammer models - I actually go out and socialise...with friends! In fact I manage to blend into society quite nicely. Its just I also cant think of anything better than ordering in pizza and having a Star Trek movie marathon.

So, at night, as I gaze up at the final frontier I find myself wondering...is there anyone else out there like me? Anyone who loves Sci-fi but still manages to carry on in society without having a tri-corder attached to their hip? I think these ultra-nerdy connotations have gone on long enough. I love Star Trek, but I'm not in love with Star trek if you know what I mean. Its time people realised that its ok to like Star Trek - you're not going to catch nerd disease - you can still lead a completely normal life!

So come on people - Warp 10, Phasers on stun, Live long and Prosper, nanoo nanoo (ooops wrong show) Star Trek is cool!


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